Enjoy the jungle life and bring your friends to the wildventure

Tigers, panthers, and jaguars are some of the fiercest predators that call dense jungles their home. In the zoo, they are housed in enclosures that replicate the lush vegetation and towering trees of their native habitats. These predators, known for their power and stealth, offer a breathtaking sight as they prowl through their space. Visitors can watch as they display natural hunting behaviors or rest in the shade, always maintaining an air of silent strength.

Polar Explorers

Avian Wonders

Reptilian Kingdom

Nocturnal Life

The Forest Dwellers

Monkeys, apes, and other primates are a highlight of many zoos. These animals, known for their intelligence and social behavior, live in enclosures that resemble dense forests with plenty of opportunities for climbing and swinging. Visitors can observe groups of primates interacting, playing, and even grooming each other, offering an intimate look into their complex social dynamics. These enclosures are often among the most active and engaging in the zoo.

The zoo’s aquarium is a mesmerizing place filled with underwater creatures from oceans, rivers, and lakes around the world. From colorful tropical fish to graceful rays and even sharks, the aquarium brings the underwater world to life. Visitors can walk through tunnels that give a 360-degree view of marine life, watching schools of fish glide by or a sea turtle swimming effortlessly through the water.

African Elephant walking

Desert Survivors

In the zoo's desert exhibit, visitors can learn about the incredible adaptations animals.

Endangered Species

One of the zoo's primary missions is to help conserve endangered species.

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Let's Explore Zooventour

Thailand, Chiang Mai province, Ran Tong Elephant Sanctuary, Elephant trekking

The World of Amphibians

The amphibian house is home to frogs, toads, and salamanders of all sizes and colors. These creatures, often found in wetlands and rainforests, play an important role in ecosystems as both predators and prey. The zoo recreates their moist, tropical environments, allowing visitors to see brightly colored poison dart frogs or large, majestic toads up close. Amphibians are often overlooked but are crucial to maintaining healthy ecosystems.

The Primate Sanctuary

Gorillas, orangutans, and chimpanzees are some of the most intelligent and socially complex animals in the zoo. The primate sanctuary is designed to give these animals plenty of space to roam, climb, and engage in stimulating activities. Observing the bonds between these animals, their problem-solving abilities, and their interactions with their environment is a truly fascinating experience that highlights their closeness to humans.

Orangutan of Borneo, Pongo Pygmaeus
Young brunette millennial tourist feeding giraffes at a Nairobi tourist destination

Insect World

The insectarium is a world of its own, showcasing the immense diversity of insects from around the globe. From the delicate wings of butterflies to the hard exoskeletons of beetles, the insect world is full of wonders. Visitors can watch as ants build intricate colonies, or marvel at the complex behaviors of bees. Insects play a vital role in our ecosystems, and the zoo offers a unique opportunity to see them up close and learn about their significance.

The Big Cats

Lions, tigers, leopards, and cheetahs are some of the most powerful and awe-inspiring animals in the zoo. These big cats are housed in large, naturalistic enclosures that allow them to roam, climb, and sharpen their hunting instincts. Watching a tiger stalk through the grass or a lion basking in the sun gives visitors a sense of the raw power and beauty of these predators.

Family watchig fishes at a aquarium

The Arctic Circle

In the Arctic-themed exhibit, visitors can witness animals like polar bears, arctic foxes, and snow leopards, all adapted to survive in some of the coldest places on Earth. These animals thrive in icy conditions, with thick fur and specialized behaviors that help them conserve heat. The zoo recreates this frozen world, complete with snow and cold water pools, allowing visitors to learn about the unique challenges of life in the Arctic.

Rainforest Adventures

  • The rainforest section of the zoo is teeming with life, showcasing species such as sloths, toucans, and capuchin monkeys. This dense, tropical environment is recreated with lush greenery, waterfalls, and high humidity, giving visitors the feeling of stepping into the heart of the jungle. The vibrant colors and constant activity of rainforest animals make this one of the most dynamic and engaging.

The Giants of the Deep

  • Whales, dolphins, and sea lions are the stars of the marine mammal exhibit. While some of these animals are too large for typical zoos, many facilities feature dolphin shows and sea lion demonstrations that highlight their intelligence and agility. Watching these animals leap out of the water and perform acrobatic feats is not only entertaining but also educational, teaching visitors.

The Savanna's Small Inhabitants

  • While lions and giraffes often steal the spotlight, smaller savanna animals such as meerkats, warthogs, and hyenas are just as fascinating. These animals are integral to the savanna ecosystem, playing roles as scavengers, burrowers, and insectivores. Visitors can observe their social structures and learn how these creatures survive in the vast, open grasslands of Africa.

The Australian Outback

  • Kangaroos, koalas, and wallabies are some of the iconic animals of Australia that can be found in this section of the zoo. These marsupials are known for their unique adaptations to the harsh conditions of the Australian Outback. The exhibit is designed to recreate the red, sandy landscapes of Australia, providing visitors with a glimpse into the lives of these extraordinary creatures.

Mountain Dwellers

Mountain goats, ibexes, and snow leopards are among the animals adapted to life in high altitudes. The zoo recreates rocky cliffs and steep inclines to mimic the environments these animals call home. Visitors can observe their impressive climbing abilities and learn about the specialized features that help them navigate some of the world's most challenging terrains.

Save The Animals

Giant panda bear in China
Young brunette millennial tourist feeding giraffes at a Nairobi tourist destination

The Wetlands

The wetlands exhibit is a haven for waterfowl, amphibians, and small mammals that thrive in marshy environments. Ducks, otters, and beavers can be seen swimming and building their habitats in these carefully designed enclosures. The wetlands are crucial ecosystems for many species, and the zoo's exhibit helps raise awareness about the importance of preserving these delicate environments.

Our Services

The Enigmatic Wolves

Wolves are one of the most revered and misunderstood animals in the wild. The zoo’s wolf enclosure allows visitors to observe the pack dynamics and social behaviors of these highly intelligent predators. Wolves are known for their strong family bonds and teamwork when hunting, making them fascinating to watch as they communicate and interact with each other.

The Underwater World

Beneath the surface of the ocean lies a world full of life, from jellyfish to sea anemones and octopuses.

The African Plains

The African plains exhibit brings together a variety of animals that thrive in the open grasslands, such as antelopes, rhinos, and ostriches.

Animals of the Night

Many creatures are most active when the sun goes down. The zoo’s nocturnal house features bats, owls, and nocturnal mammals like fennec.

Tropical Birds

Brightly colored macaws, parrots, and toucans are the stars of the tropical bird aviary. These birds, known for their striking plumage and loud calls, are native to rainforests and tropical climates. The aviary is filled with vibrant plant life and provides plenty of perches for these birds to fly and interact. Visitors can learn about their diets, behaviors, and the important role they play in forest ecosystems.

The Role of Zoos in Conservation and Education

Zoos play a vital role in conservation efforts and education, helping to preserve endangered species and teach the public about the importance of biodiversity...

The Wonders of the Rainforest: A Zoo Perspective

Rainforests are home to more than half of the world's plant and animal species, making them one of the most biodiverse environments on the planet...

The Importance of Endangered Species Breeding Programs

Endangered species breeding programs are one of the most effective ways zoos contribute to global conservation efforts. Many species in the wild face extinction...

Exploring the Marine World Through Zoos and Aquariums

Marine exhibits in zoos and aquariums are windows into the underwater world, offering a glimpse into the lives...

The Fascinating World of Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles and amphibians are some of the most diverse and intriguing creatures in the animal kingdom...

Nocturnal Animals: Discovering the Creatures of the Night

Nocturnal animals, those that are most active at night, have evolved unique adaptations to survive in the dark...


What Clients Saying About Zoo

The giant panda is one of the most beloved and endangered animals in the world. Many zoos participate in panda breeding programs to help increase their numbers.

Giant Tortoises

Giant tortoises, some of the longest-living animals on Earth, can be found in specially designed enclosures that provide them with plenty of space to roam and bask in the sun. These ancient reptiles are known for their slow movements and impressive size. Visitors can learn about their unique biology, including their ability to live for over a century and their role in island ecosystems.